Wheelchair Sports


Magnum Services Limited

Magnum Services provide amputee actors and makeup specialists for the movie and television industries and for casualty simulation training (CAS SIM). Our actors have many years of experience including being featured performers in both film and television, and some have undertaken stage combat training and film stunt work.

For CAS SIM work we utilise our unique combination of realistic film quality prosthetics and expert CAS SIM make up effects. Our actors will expertly and appropriately use their skills, experiences and simulated injuries to mimic the emotions and actions of a casualty, resulting in realistic and very definitive clinical training delivery.

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Our actors are experienced in ad-libbing and improvising during the scenario, reacting to their simulated injuries (both visually obvious and any injuries hidden under clothing), the quality of treatments administered and to meet all of the training objectives required, including reacting to subtle prompts by training instructors.

The roles that our actors are required to play vary from military casualties injured in a battlefield environment (including live firing exercises), a civilian injured in a road traffic accident, to a patient in a hospital bed undergoing care for a variety of both physical and mental health issues. Our team is adaptable and experienced to perform any role in any given situation.

If you would like to know more about becoming an amputee actor contact Ruben

Telephone: 0800 954 9776

Email: rc@magnumservices.com